Many have been very troubled and perplexed about this election. This day was imminent. Ted Cruz has finally come out publicly in support of Donald Trump. There is much disappointment circulating out there over this decision. Consider these few thoughts before throwing Ted Cruz under the proverbial bus.
Consider His Prayer
Throughout all this election cycle, Cruz has demonstrated himself to be the real deal, a Christian Constitutional Conservative, whatever that means to some people. Consider that the man talks to God on a regular basis and consults his counsel on all things. There is no one on earth that has prayed more about this decision than Ted. There is no one on earth that has struggled more with this decision than Ted. There is no one on earth that has wrestled with God, himself, his wife, and his mind and heart more than Ted, and has no doubt poured out his heart and wept. This was not an easy decision for Ted, his wife, his dad, or his entire family. In light of this, how should we, as Christians treat him? How would you treat a friend that has been struggling with God on such an important matter? It is disgusting to see the very same people that were so reviled by the incendiary comments of those who were against Cruz to now hurl insults, slander, and stones toward Ted in the same manner. Never criticize another Indian until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.
Consider His Christ
After studying the first part of the Sermon on the Mount a curious pattern has emerged; humility, affliction, exaltation. Christ being our perfect example. “…he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him…” (Phil 2:8,9) We may very well be seeing Cruz’s Christianity shining forth. I can’t think of a more humbling thing that Ted could do but to kiss the ring of the very one that has reviled him and has said all manner of evil against him falsely. He made this decision knowing that many of those that have claimed to have loved him, would forsake him and call him a sell out, just another compromising politician, and the worst of names. He made this decision knowing all the repulsive Trumptards would revel and celebrate in such a victory; would mock and laugh at all those that supported Ted, thinking that Ted would never do this. He made this decision knowing that he’s having to support the very one that hijacked and stole what was rightfully his. He made this decision knowing full well that this may be the end of his political career. It took much humility to concede his support as he’s done. And now, affliction and suffering, but soon he may have his time, and God will exalt him. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.”
Consider His Constitution
There are few in this country alive today that have known, studied, loved, and fought for the United States Constitution as Ted Cruz has. Just a quick glimpse at Cruz’s resume will reveal that Cruz’s life has been dedicated to the honor of contending for the survival of one of our most sacred documents. One of the most valuable freedoms that our constitution upholds and guarantees is the right and privilege to vote. In the hearts of many people, the same reason we stand and pledge allegiance to the flag, is the same reason we trek the rain, wind, and snow and vote. Our brave founding father and our brave soldiers have shed their blood in order that we might exercise that right. It would be a disgrace and dishonour to the memory of these fine people to not vote. Therefore, under his obligation to and love of country, the patriot will vote. This is the spirit in which Cruz carries out his duty. No matter the choices, the consequences, or the critics, he will perform his duty to his country and constitution and vote. Consequently, he owes it to his supporters to be honest about his choice.
Consider His Choice
Donald Trump. We will not be so foolish as to think him as a Darius or Nebuchadnezzar. And we will not be so gullible and ridiculous as to think that God would want us to actively pursue a leader of this nature. No. Never. However, what we must do is trust in the Lord, and lean not unto our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) How is this all going to turn out? How will God ultimately use Donald Trump to shape the events of history? What will be the fate of this blessed country? As Ezekiel said, “Oh Lord God, thou knowest.” (37:3) He knows the beginning from the end. No matter what denomination, flavor, or creed, Christians are always talking about how God will lead us down a path that quite frankly doesn’t make sense. Well here you go Christian! That path is now before you. In our understanding, it makes no sense whatsoever to vote for someone like Trump, or Hillary for that matter; that it will take our country down a road of damage that is irrecoverable, and we exclaim, “We will die!” Perhaps Darth Vader may help us with that when he said, “Nothing can stop that now.” Just kidding.
Seriously though, many people, including great conservative minds like Deace, Erickson, Beck, and others have sought the scriptures and concluded that God would never expect us to choose a leader of this character and nature. It’s possible we’ve personalized this just a bit much. We’ve sought desperately to defend our individual right to not choose this Donald Trump as our president. Perhaps, it’s not who God would have us choose, but rather that God would have us choose; as an individual indeed, but more importantly as a nation. Is this biblical? After David had sinned before the Lord in numbering all of Israel, Gad the prophet came to David and said, “Thus saith the LORD, I offer thee three things; choose thee one of them, that I may do it unto thee.” (2 Sam 24:11) The bible says that David was in a great strait for he was to choose the manner in which judgement would be given. How is this different from the strait we now find ourselves. Will God not deal with the sins of our nation? God may very well require of us with our heads hung down in shame, with a heavy heart, and tears go down to our local precinct on the eighth day of November and execute our civic duty.
Consider This Conclusion
There are many more things to consider, but time does not allow. Ted Cruz has earned his position in our hearts. He has stood with the people of the United States through the thick and thin. Many times he has been the lone voice in Washington speaking our minds. He deserves our support and understanding, and even our consideration to his request. May God bless Ted Cruz.