Six Myths of the NeverTrump Movement

I’m just a little preacher down here in South Texas. Nobody has to read this. But in this late hour, I feel compelled to list a few things I see and briefly address them. I was beholden to the NeverTrump movement for awhile, but after a long good look, I’ve changed my mind. I’ve seen division after division after division roll through the Republican party in the election cycle. This year we could have seen someone like Ted Cruz in office, or even Scott Walker or Rick Perry. But instead, wedge after wedge after wedge of division has been hammered between good people of like mind. It’s sad and disheartening to see good, principled people disagree and part ways. I don’t feel that this is the spirit of America. Below are some views coming from the NeverTrump movement that I believe are not honest.

#1 The GOP is Dead

The Republicans still hold a majority in the House. The Republicans still hold a majority in the Senate. There’s still a chance that the Republicans can win the White House. That’s hardly a sign that the Party is dead. If the GOP is dead, then the Libertarian party, the Constitution party, and all those Independent candidates are but a sad figment of your imagination. I offer a few reasons as to why this notion that the GOP is dead is a myth.

To begin with, Trump won the nomination and Cruz almost won the nomination. This speaks volumes as to the life of the party. The battle was between conservatives. It was never between conservatives and establishment support. The truth is that the establishment candidates had little to no constituents. The conservative message dominated this election. The Republican base was insistent on nominating someone that was not a go-along to get-along, moderate-type, politician. That is what Trump and Cruz ran on. The Republican base made it clear to the whole nation that this is what they wanted. There has never been such a unified voice in recent years in the party on this matter. Now, whether Trump is that or not is moot at this point. The reality concerning the life of the Party is based on desires and concerns of it’s constituents. Were they misguided? Were they pandered to? Time will truly tell.

What is clear is that the grand majority of the party wants Washington shook up and purged. That hasn’t changed. To divide that voice now is to muffle it. Look even now at the polls. There are millions and millions of people under the flag of the Republican party that are making their voice known that they want change in Washington. This is not a sign of a party that is dead. This is what the Liberals and media want you to think. They are trying to kill the morale. This is wishful thinking by the NeverTrump movement used to justify themselves and validate their views. They have no choice but to believe this..

#2 They’re on Moral High Ground

Most of the NeverTrump movement is still NeverTrump because they believe that the Bible forbids them from voting for a immoral man. They may be on Bible ground regarding the singular choice of a man like Trump. But, things are just not that simple. In order to stand on that, you’re going to have to get off Bible Ground on other matters. The truth is that nobody really knows for sure what a Trump presidency would look like. We do however know what a Clinton presidency would. She has been in office and does have a record. There are plenty of articles on that. I’m not going to repeat all the moral problems with Hillary. But to deny the moral implications of allowing the left-wing liberal agenda of the Democrat Party to continue to rule the Executive Branch of our government is to be dishonest about the reality of your choices. NeverTrump will shake their head and insist that they have no responsibility in the matter. Yes, it is a difficult choice that anybody would love to excuse themselves from; but every citizen eligible to vote has a responsibility in the matter.

We have a moral obligation to affect this election. What you have are real votes. There is no such thing a symbolic vote. We have a moral obligation to effect the thousands of presidential appointees that will be made; executive, judicial, and military. The current administration will stay in power if Hillary wins. Thousands of new appointees will be ushered in with a Trump presidency. It is dishonest to believe that they will be of the exact make-up and character of those that are in there right now. We have a moral and Biblical obligation to do what is within our power to affect that. Fictitious symbolic votes do no such thing. We have a moral obligation to affect military policy, foreign policy, economic policy, etc. There is no Bible that excludes the Christian from trying to affect this for the good of their fellow man.

#3 Cruz was Wrong

This myth is at the heart of the matter in this is election. Ted Cruz, after he came out publically for Trump, he was castigated and abandoned by the NeverTrump movement. They all claim to be Christian, and they all claimed to support Ted Cruz. Erick Erickson said “The Ted Cruz I know is the Ted Cruz who came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior.” Glenn Beck said he considers Ted Cruz to be a “dear friend”. Steve Deace said he “respects and loves Ted Cruz.” But when Cruz finally made this difficult decision to support the Republican nominee, their Christianity really came out.

Erick Erickson said he was self-interested, unprincipled. He declared that Cruz was no longer effective. Erick stated that Cruz had caved and was just another politician in Washington that was for sale. Glenn Beck declared that Cruz no longer had credibility. Beck said derogatorily that Cruz was first and foremost a politician. Steve Deace contends that Cruz had fallen to corruption and lost his integrity. He believes Cruz to be a joke. He believes that Cruz is now in the conservative graveyard.

Never has Christianity taught us to treat a dear friend and brother in Christ, whom you love and respect, in such a manner. Their harsh, arrogant, self-righteous criticism of Ted Cruz was over-the- top, not Christian, and lacked any sense of humility, compassion, or forebearance. There is no way a movement headed by such high-mindedness could possibly be right. There was no mercy, no pity, and no kindness toward a brother in Christ. Cruz did what any good Christian man would do, and for that he was railed upon by his supposed friends.

The truth is that Cruz was right. Cruz’s actions were the embodiment of Christianity. Cruz and his family forgave Donald Trump (Luke 11:4). He loved his enemies (Matt 5:44). He turned the other cheek (Matt 5:39). He blessed them which despitefully used him (Matt 5:44) He humbled himself. (Luke 18:14) He esteemed others better than himself. (Phil 2:3) He put the things of others above his own. (Phil 2:4) He promoted unity among the brethren. (Rom 12:16, Phil 2:2) He promoted peace. (Rom 12:18) He did unto other as he would have them do unto him. (Matt 7:12) And most of all, he kept his word. (Ex 20:16, Pro 25:14, Num 30:2)

#4 The Media is Right

Any movement that, in this late hour, would walk in-step and lock arms with the left-wing liberal media must be questioned. Right now, the NeverTrump movement is working 24/7 with the ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and others to ensure a Republican defeat and a Democrat win. Every article that is pumped out by the NeverTrump movement is all about Trump, all about his character, and all about his personality.

“If we make the election about personalities, Democrats win and Republicans lose” ~Steve Deace

Right now, NeverTrump and the liberals have joined hands together. They have made this entire election, the direction of our country, the future of our children all contingent upon the unsavory personality of Trump. They don’t want to talk about issues. They don’t want to talk about the failures of the Obama administration. They don’t want to talk about obstacles that our country faces. They don’t want to talk about anything but Trump.

The media did not suddenly grow wings. They are the enemy. They are not to be trusted. They are appealing to our emotions and our bitterness. They are confusticating rational thought. They are capitalizing on our differences. Don’t fall for this. Don’t fall in line with what they want you to think and do.

#5 Voting for Trump Hurts the Church

Defending Trumps immorality is inexcusable. The myth is that Christian leaders are in fact defending immorality. This is not happening anywhere near to the extent that some would have you believe.

For example, Jerry Falwell said clearly, plainly, and emthatically that he would not answer hypothetical questions, yet that gets twisted into headlines, tweets, and posts saying that Falwell would vote for a rapist for President. Mike Pence offered forgiveness to Trump for making lewd comments. But commentators and bloggers foist their own allegations into the mix of the interview and claim that Pence was forgiving Trump for sexual assault or rape. Ben Carson tries to call the media out on their hypocrisy regarding Judeo-Christian values, but everybody on Facebook thinks that he actually, literally said “to put Christian values on hold” when he never said that or implied that.

Most of all these allegation against Christian leaders is lying, mischaracterization, and conjecture. Those who do this, are truly the ones that are guilty of hurting the church and the church’s witness. No good will ever come from God’s people trashing God’s people.

#6 They Are Not Responsible for Hillary Winning

It matters not how many times this is repeated, believing it will never make it true. There’s many at fault in this election cycle. It’s the fault of the politicians in office, the RINOs, that the Trump movement got off the ground. It’s the fault of the GOP leaders that validated this movement. It’s the fault of the half the conservatives that forced the entire Republican party down this route. It’s the church’s fault for many reasons. And yes, it’s the fault of the all Republicans that refuse to support the nominee. EVERYBODY is to blame if she walks into office as this thing stands today. Nobody is guiltless in this.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. It could be everybody’s victory if everybody would unite against her. We did in the beginning. Every conservative, every principled person, every Christian, was united in the beginning of this thing to oust the Democrat party. This was a referendum on the Obama administration. All of us wanted to stop Hillary and her husband Bill from entering the White House again. It must be asked, “Is there not a cause?” Is this not worth putting our differences down for just a few days here, to unite and accomplish just that. Democrats win because they unify. They’re loyal. We lose, conservatives and Christians, because we divide and we fight. There is a time to fight amongst ourselves and we did fight; but now that time is over. All guns to the real enemy. Conservative influence in the Republican party must stand fast and stand together in this late hour.

The Conclusion of the Matter

I have learned through the years that views on politics and religion are seldom changed. I don’t expect the Deaces, Becks, and Ericksons of the NeverTrump movement to change their mind. But I do I ask those who are undecided to prayerfully consider these above arguments.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. (Ephesians 3:21,21)

It is greatly appreciated that you took the time to read this. Here are some other articles concerning the matter if you are still interested:

Some Things To Consider Regarding Cruz

What is a Christian To Do?

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail

Holy Voters, Christianity, and the Bible








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