These are the words of Republican, Phil Graham, standing against fellow Republicans during the Clinton administration while many of them were capitulating to the notion of government-run healthcare. Cold, dead, political bodies is probably the only thing that this National Emergency is going to create.

The more I consider this move by the President, the more sick I feel to my stomach. I don’t think people see the true nature of what is going on. The Democrats are looking for a joint resolution from Congress to stop the National Emergency. That is at least what they’re saying. But hear me for just a second. This is an orchestrated maneuver by Democrats, RINOs, and Trump to quash conservatives. You don’t believe me? Of course you don’t.

The Establishment (or Deep State or whatever Rush is telling you to call them) is not mad and shaking in their shoes in fear and trying to figure out Trump like some pundits are trying to convince you. They’re either playing Trump or Trump is playing you. They’re all laughing at us right now. They’re toasting their champagne glasses.


If Democrats fail and Republicans win with the joint resolution, what happens? Nothing. If the Democrats succeed and the Republicans fail with the joint resolution, what happens? That’s right. You guessed it. Nothing. Trump just vetos it and we go home. This is the essence of a show-vote. Everybody gets all up and arms and votes, but nothing ever gets done. But you see, they don’t care. Why? Because they already won.

They won when he signed the spending bill

In conjunction with his declaration of a National Emergency, he signed the omnibus spending bill. This bill gave no funds for new wall. It specifically restricted new wall from being built. It expanded catch and release. Reduced the amount of detentions at the border. And it gave immunity to all the MS-13 gang members that claim they sponsoring a UAC. Trump signed the bill. That means he approves of it. I like the way Rand Paul put it very simply.

Congress appropriates money, and his only constitutional recourse, if he does not like the amount they appropriate, is to veto the bill.

It was a very simple matter. But instead of vetoing the bill and making his case to the American people to pressure their legislators to fund the wall (Which would have been super easy to do), he chose to cut a deal with Mitch McConnell and the Deep State.

They won political points with their base

The Democrats through this resolution can effectively prove to their supporters that they are against the wall without actually stopping Trump, even though there’s not much to stop. It’s pretense. They look good. Trump looks bad. This is obviously a setup for 2020. It’s pandering. It’s voting for nothing.

The RINOs are doing the same thing. While they underhandedly take the American people for a ride on their omnibus, everybody is looking the other way because Trump has declared a National Emergency. Oooooo. The Democrats are trying to block it, but the RINOs get to go on record while everybody is looking that they are FOR the wall; all while they’ve never been for it. Win or lose, they get to show everybody that they want to Make America Great Again.

They won because they know the Executive Branch is never gonna a build a 2000 mile wall without them

You have to know and understand that most Republicans legislators are against the wall. They are against Americans. They want what the Democrats want. However, they can vote freely against Democrats because they know it will not have any real bearing on the outcome. The money that Trump plans on reallocating is not enough to build a 2000 mile wall; but only a mere fraction of it.

And it’s ludicrous to think he should be able to. I’m sorry, but that is just not how our government works. That is not how our Constitution works, but rather what it prevents. And these freaks in Congress know that. That’s why McConnell agreed to support the National Emergency. Because it will never establish a wall on the border but it will however establish an unprecedented power grab that every conservative should be against.

They won in demonizing true conservatives

This is probably their greatest victory. The House has already voted on the joint resolution and it passed. There was a handful of Republicans that voted with the Democrats. Some of those were your most dedicated constitutional conservatives in the halls of Congress. And all the MAGA guns are turned on them now. These are the ones that have fought hard against illegal immigration. They’ve been for the wall all along. They voted against all these omnibuses that haven’t funded the wall. But now they’re the enemy? Way to go Trump.

The Senate is due to vote and some Republican Senators that have been champions of our Constitution have come out against the National Emergency. I almost can’t believe the vitriolic hate that is coming from MAGA-maniacs against them. It’s sickening. Where was all that passion on February 15th, when the RINOs voted against the wall and for the Democrat’s omnibus? Now they say they’re for the wall, and every MAGA-maniac is going buy it; lock, stock, and barrel.

The Democrats and RINOs ultimate win will be in 2020 when real conservatives have a hard time getting elected because people are so stupid that they fell for this National Emergency charade. And then where will we be as a nation when the conservative voice in our legislature is quashed?

My hat goes off to the Republican statesmen that have to vote with Democrats on this National Emergency charade because they’re consistent. Working with hypocrites will always make strange bedfellows. They have a lot of guts to invite upon themselves the ire of the MAGA-maniacs. To the conservative Republicans that find a way to ease their conscience in voting against the Democrats resolution, I understand. I guess you got to pick your battles. But to all those Republicans that have sold our country out and now carry out this show-vote with the Democrats, shame on you. One day, I hope you pay for this.

I’m tired of all this winning

Americans? Freedom-loving, Constitution-loving, God-fearing Americans? Hello? We are not winning! They are! They’re at the bar right now toasting their champagne glasses because they’re winning. Just this last month, we had record-breaking 76,000 apprehensions at the border. And what is Trump and Congress doing about it? Nothing. I’m tired of them winning.