
Distraction on Both Sides

December 28, 2015 Rick Alegria 1

As outlined in The Great Bluff, the conversation revolving around the Establishment dropping in a non-candidate into the convention mix is a bluff. It may not be, but it may be. So I want to keep track of all that’s going on out there to perpetuate this bluff. On one side, you’re going to have the fear-mongering and finger-pointing saying “The Establishment is going to put Ryan in!”; knowing full well that it’s mechanically impossible. On the other side, you’re going to have the Establishment confirming and perpetuating these fears saying, “Yeah, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do!”; all while knowing full well that it’s mechanically impossible. They’ve been successful so far in amplifying this rhetoric in order to make getting Kasich on the ballot look like a compromise. [More…]


The Great Bluff

December 27, 2015 Rick Alegria 0

So the bluffing serves two purposes: First, it caused an unwarranted fear of a contested convention and of the establishment. In that respect it worked. Sean Hannity parroted this bologna 20 times a day for the past 2 months and has tried endlessly to scare people into believing that the Establishment is going to “leap frog” some non-candidate into the mix. Rush Limbaugh bit too. Every episode he made sure to tell us that the Establishment’s plan was to parachute in a savior. [More…]

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