The Standing Rules Committee
April 10, 2016
Remember, the first way the rules can change will be at the standing rules committee which has been meeting since the 2012 Convention. Morton Blackwell, who’s been part of the Rules Committee since 1856 (kidding), has actively been trying to change the rules back to the way they were before the 2012 Convention. In fact, his March 8th article, Rules at the 2016 Republican National Convention, explains very clearly that he was ALMOST successful in getting the rules changed in the RNC Winter Meeting. Of course, back in January, we wanted those rules changed. Now, we really don’t. At first, leaving them the same sounded good because it would cut Kasich out of the race. However, Morton is trying to change them for the good of the country. He’s trying to de-centralize the party, and help the grassroots. Helping the grassroots, however, in this race helps Johnny Boy, because right now he’s stuck in the grass.
Also, if you listen to Mark Levin’s March 31st interview with Morton Blackwell, you’ll see that there’s no indication in that interview that Morton is going to change course or stand down: Mark Levin interviews Morton Blackwell about the RNC rules, In the article by Matthew Hurtt, from RedState in 2013, Undoing the ‘Ginsberg’ rules at the Spring RNC meeting, Morton has every intention of changing those rules; to open them up more for grassroots candidates. Hint: Let Kasich on the ballot. Is Morton FOR Kasich? No, he’s a Cruz supporter. See: Please join me in supporting Ted Cruz.
Here’s another article regarding the rules change: GOP panelists eager to scrap rule that helps Trump. There’s a misconception in this article that the current rules help Trump. The current eight state majority rule does NOT help Trump. It would help him if he was way in front and Cruz was not so close on his heels. As of this weekend, Cruz is on the ballot; he has a majority in eight states. Because of Trump’s lack of national campaign infrastructure and Cruz’s amazing ground game and ability to secure 2nd and 3rd ballot delegates, the current rules actually hurt Trump. So he NEEDS them changed. Luckily for him, there’s enough delegates, and a Morton Blackwell, out there that are so mad at the Romney campaign, they don’t realize that they may likely shoot themselves in the foot by scrapping these rules. Yuck.
When is the next Standing Rule Committee Meeting?
In Spring. Sorry, that’s all that’s out there. There’s a Spring Meeting. In Morton’s March 8th article (mentioned above) he states that it’s at the end of the month of April. However, Hurtt’s article (mentioned above) states that it’s April 10th – 13th. That’s today! It’s supposed to be in Los Angeles, California, according to the article. (Sorry that was a 2013 article) Also found was an article at the DailyCaller, RNC Rules Member: Expect ‘Tweaks’ To Rules At Upcoming Florida Meeting, that says that it’s 2 weeks from this past Thursday (4/7/16) in Hollywood, Florida. The Establishment doesn’t really want anything reported on this anyway. They’re going to want to shape the public perception of the outcome.
Kasich’s Hand is Showing
This Friday, in Michigan, something interesting happened that suggest a foreshadowing of things to come. Apparently, Trump and Kasich joined forced in Michigan to keep Cruz delegates from getting important Convention positions. According to the CNN article, Trump, Kasich box out Cruz in Michigan delegation:
The Michigan delegation picked one Trump supporter, Matt Hall, and one Kasich supporter, Judi Schwalbach, for the two seats on the powerful rules committee. The Cruz campaign lost votes for both seats.
Oh what do you know? How convenient: Trump and Kasich delegates working together to have power over the rules. Newsmax includes a quote from the Cruz side of things, Cruz Campaign: Trump, Kasich Plotting Against Us, Wendy Day, a Cruz delegate:
The Kasich and Trump teams actually cut a deal and took all those slots. We couldn’t get any of them. That’s fine, it’s politics, but it was interesting to see those two campaigns team up.
This fella at RedState explains exactly what the plan is in his article, More Proof Kasich Stays in only to do Trump’s Bidding:
It looks more and more like the double-crossing Spoiling Kasich is campaigning to be the Donald’s running mate.
So others are seeing the inevitable union of Trump and Kasich. Do they need to unite to change the rules? Not if Morton Blackwell has anything to do with it. It’s very confusing. People pushing to keep them the same will probably be the ones that were angry that they were changed. And people wanting them changed will be the ones who changed them and will unite with ones that were angry that they were changed. Make sense? Yes, It’s going to be chaos.
What’s underhanded about it, is Trump is claiming that he’s anti-Establishment, and Kasich is out there saying that he’s going to be the next President; when both of them are lying through their teeth. The deal is already made. Think about this. Cruz already this week clenched his eighth state with the majority of delegates and he’s bound to win a few more. He DOES NOT NEED a rule change to get on the ballot. Kasich does. He’s acting like he’s going to be on the ballot, because he’s made the deal already to get on the ballot; he obviously has expectations. Trump is the one losing delegates and everybody and their mother knows he will lose at the contested convention, unless he comes up with some delegates. Kasich and Rubio have delegates for sale. Trump needs some.
So it’s a trap. Tea Party, grassroots, conservative people have long wanted the rules of the convention changed to get more power coming from the bottom. And any other time, they would say, “Yes, change the rules!” But old Johnny Boy is at the bottom right now. And he’s Establishment. He only wants in to take out Cruz. Very slippery slope. Now, it’s unclear how many of Kasich delegates will stay loyal to him and do his bidding at the second and third ballot and go to Trump; but it sure smells like a rat.
The Bluff is Still On
Anyhow, the bluff is still going strong. Check out this headline from Trump surrogate, Breitbart: ‘The Immaculate Nomination’. And of course, there’s a picture of Paul Ryan waiting to be anointed the Republican nominee. Apparently this name has been coined by the Obama administration. This is simply Establishment propaganda. There’s no truth to it.
Meanwhile, we still have Rush pushing the false narrative: Anti-Trumpsters Buoyed by Trump’s Decision to Cancel Trips, Stay in NY
Paul Ryan continues to say, “No way, no way,” but is producing an ad now. I told you yesterday, if you want to find out what’s really going on, keep a sharp eye on the media. You’ll start seeing stories, personality profiles on Ryan. “What a great guy Ryan is!” Stuff on the family, how hard he’s worked, Speaker of the House. We’re not electing speakers of the House. If you start seeing things like that, it could be an indication that they are making a move or planning on a move at a contested convention.
Paul Ryan is never going to be on the ballot. His brother, David Limbaugh, does get it though and does an excellent job explaining the ramifications of this bluff. He was interview by Hannity regarding this impossibility: Trump campaign capitalizes on ‘New York values’ comments; Mike Huckabee: John Kasich should not drop out of the race. Hannity puts the bluff out there:
HANNITY: Let me — let me go to an issue that I think you guys are actually going to agree on. You know, if you look at John Boehner’s comments, talking about a contested convention and he brings up, Oh, anybody can be — anybody’s name can be nominated on the convention floor, and Karl Rove saying, Well, We need somebody who’s battle tested, strong conservative principles, a fresh face — he’s not — he’s talking specifically about somebody that hasn’t run….
HANNITY: Do you think that there’s a possibility the establishment will try to disenfranchise voters of Trump and Cruz?
Well, some do agree:
GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think there’s a real, distinct possibility that could happen…
COHEN: … I agree with her 100 percent…
But David does NOT agree and says the truth about THE BLUFF:
LIMBAUGH: There are certain people in the Republican Party who fantasize about that, who hate both Trump and Cruz. But I don’t think it’s a realistic possibility. As Newt says, when those two, Trump and Cruz, have received some 80 percent of the delegates and 80 percent of the votes, it’s not realistic.
Reince Priebus is talking about it not being realistic. There’s no monolithic force in the GOP establishment that has set out to do that. I think they know better than to do that. It would be the end of the Republican Party.
He goes on to explain the purpose of the bluff. You see, he’s nailed it and doesn’t really know that he’s nailed it. Look at that expression he uses: “…it obscures the fact…” That, my friend is the definition of a bluff. Read on.
I think the problem with talking about this so much — and people can talk all they want about it — is that it obscures the fact that there can be a genuine fight in the convention if nobody ends up with 1,237 going in, and I want there to be a fair fight.
Cruz and Trump can fight after the first ballot, after the second ballot in a fair way, a legitimate way, in a way that regards process and the law and the rules. And whoever wins is legitimate as long as there’s no shenanigans pulled.
And I don’t want it to be perceived if Ted Cruz ends up winning… because he pays attention to details… that he was part of the establishment.
But guess what? That’s exactly how they’re going to try to paint it. Cruz is trying to pull shenanigans! Cruz is trying to steal the election! Look at this article that came out already: Trump Convention Manager: Cruz Using ‘Gestapo Tactics’ to Win Over Delegates. Trump is already threatening riot and chaos if he doesn’t get his way at the convention: Trump’s Convention Strategy: “The Fix Is In” He’ll try his best to delegitimize Cruz and obscure the fact that Cruz has emerged the strongest candidate, the most honest, and what the American people really want.