
The Rules Are Fixing to Change

December 29, 2015 Rick Alegria 0

Remember, the first way the rules can change will be at the standing rules committee which has been meeting since the 2012 Convention. Morton Blackwell, who’s been part of the Rules Committee since 1856 (kidding), has actively been trying to change the rules back to the way they were before the 2012 Convention. In fact, his March 8th article, Rules at the 2016 Republican National Convention, explains very clearly that he was ALMOST successful in getting the rules changed in the RNC Winter Meeting. Of course, back in January, we wanted those rules changed. Now, we really don’t. At first, leaving them the same sounded good because it would cut Kasich out of the race. However, Morton is trying to change them for the good of the country. He’s trying to de-centralize the party, and help the grassroots. Helping the grassroots, however, in this race helps Johnny Boy, because right now he’s stuck in the grass. [More…]


Distraction on Both Sides

December 28, 2015 Rick Alegria 1

As outlined in The Great Bluff, the conversation revolving around the Establishment dropping in a non-candidate into the convention mix is a bluff. It may not be, but it may be. So I want to keep track of all that’s going on out there to perpetuate this bluff. On one side, you’re going to have the fear-mongering and finger-pointing saying “The Establishment is going to put Ryan in!”; knowing full well that it’s mechanically impossible. On the other side, you’re going to have the Establishment confirming and perpetuating these fears saying, “Yeah, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do!”; all while knowing full well that it’s mechanically impossible. They’ve been successful so far in amplifying this rhetoric in order to make getting Kasich on the ballot look like a compromise. [More…]


The Great Bluff

December 27, 2015 Rick Alegria 0

So the bluffing serves two purposes: First, it caused an unwarranted fear of a contested convention and of the establishment. In that respect it worked. Sean Hannity parroted this bologna 20 times a day for the past 2 months and has tried endlessly to scare people into believing that the Establishment is going to “leap frog” some non-candidate into the mix. Rush Limbaugh bit too. Every episode he made sure to tell us that the Establishment’s plan was to parachute in a savior. [More…]

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